Tom Hopkins Secrets: How To Sell Like A CHAMPION

Build Sales Confidence - Sell like a champion

Tom Hopkins is well known for his “Sell Like a Champion” philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of building relationships and understanding the needs of customers. He is both a professional sales trainer and author of several books on sales, including “How to Master the Art of Selling,” which has been a bestseller for over 25 years.

Hopkins’ philosophy is based on the idea that successful salespeople are not just good at closing deals, but also at building relationships and understanding the needs of their customers. He emphasizes the importance of listening to customers and addressing their concerns, as well as, the importance of building trust and credibility. Tom Hopkins also stresses the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, even in the face of rejection, and of continuously learning and improving one’s sales skills.

Sell Like A Champion - Tom Hopkins

In this post you will learn:

  • Commitment Breeds Confidence
  • Honesty Builds The Framework And Foundation For Success
  • Attitude Is The Oxygen For A Sales Pro with a Champion’s Mindset To Win

Master These Sales Skills For Professionals And You Will Go Far In Sales

Here’s why the Art of Selling and Your Commitment to Sales is important…

Sales is the first step in the process of providing a product or service for someone that helps them solve a problem. As the sales professional you are essentially a steward for the sales process and for your customers. You are also an extension of the product and service that you are selling.

As you grow to become a sales champion, you will develop each of the necessary skills and mindset beliefs, to confidently and effectively sell products or services. More importantly you will gain real world experience selling a product you believe in and one you know can help the right person or people. Eventually in some cases like Henry Ford… “I will build a motor car for the great multitude.” Understanding the needs of customers and building trust with them is crucial for being a champion at sales. Additionally, committing to continuous learning and improvement in sales techniques can help individuals stay ahead in the competitive world of business.

Coach Michael Burt says “Making Sales Builds Confidence and Conviction.”

FlowChat Sales Tip: Head confidently and prepared into your sales meetings assuming this person you are meeting with is the perfect fit for the product that you are selling.

How To Build Confidence In Sales

How Can You Focus On Your Ability To Sell Like A Champion?

One of Michael Jordan’s famous quotes about commitment is “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” This quote highlights Jordan’s relentless commitment to his craft and his ability to bounce back from failure.

Tim Grover, Jordan’s personal trainer and coach, has also spoken about Jordan’s commitment and ability. Grover said that Jordan had an unmatched work ethic and a fierce competitive drive. Tim Grover emphasizes that Jordan’s success was not just due to his physical talent, but also his mental toughness and his ability to push himself to the limit. Additionally, Grover writes on his book “Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable” that he saw Michael Jordan’s ability to focus to the point of obsession, an ability to tune out distractions and to lock in on his ultimate goal.

FlowChat Sales Tip: Master the understanding and the ability to explain your product. Along with the features and benefits. Know who you are selling to and allow your presentation to help you disqualify them should they not be a fit.

Become A Sales C. H. A. M. P. I. O. N. with the Tom Hopkins philosophy for selling like a champion…

C: Commitment Breeds Confidence

H: Honesty In Words and Actions

A: Attitude & Appearance Positive At All Times

M: Master the Material And Presentation

P: Persistence Is Key. Never Give Up (“If you can look up, you can get up.” – Les Brown)

I: Imagination Will Help You Develop The Future (“Skate to where the puck is going.” – Wayne Gretzky) 

O: Organize Your Time, Workflow And Workspace Online and Offline

N: Non-Judgement Of Others

Tom Hopkins Book - Tim Grover Relentless

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