NLP Sales Training Tips: Sales Conversation Secrets To Close More Deals

NLP Sales Training Tips

This sales training post is all about NLP sales training tips you can use to communicate effectively and close more deals. These sales tips can help you change your sales prospect’s state of mind. Among the best closing sales techniques found in the field of education known as NLP. Let’s dive in to this nlp sales training tips post with your host Sean Malone, Co-Founder at FlowChat.

Close More Deals With These NLP Sales Training Tips

Flowchat Sales Training Tips: NLP is an advanced study of the relationship between language, the brain, and behavior. It is an approach to communication and personal development that focuses on the connection between our neurological processes, language, and behavior. By learning about the basic premise of NLP we can discover many things. Relating to our thoughts, feelings, and actions by observing in reflection how these thoughts, feelings, emotions, or actions are interconnected. Seeing that by changing the way we use language, we can change the way we think and feel, leading to improved behavior and results.

NLP techniques aim to help individuals understand and modify their thought patterns, beliefs, and behavior to achieve specific goals and improve their overall quality of life. Some of these understandings and communication methods can be applied or implemented in your sales conversations.


Jane asked Sean at FlowChat: “Sean, I have trouble getting my clients to agree with me. Any tips?”

Perhaps like Jane you may be feeling like you’re just going through the motions in your sales pitches but people don’t agree? Or, you are speaking but your voice isn’t being heard… Or worse yet, your ideas or suggestions are not being taken seriously.

Do you wish you had the power to close more deals and increase your sales success? Great! That’s why we made this intro to NLP sales training for you.

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is a set of techniques that can help you unlock your potential in sales and take your game to the next level. In this post, we’ll explore together some of the benefits of NLP sales training and how you can use it to maximize your sales success.

The Benefits of NLP Sales Training

NLP sales training can help you improve how effective your sales your sales game in many ways.

Here are a few of the key benefits:

Improved communication skills: NLP sales training will help you understand how to communicate more effectively with your prospects. You’ll learn how to read body language and nonverbal cues, how to use language patterns to influence others, and how to build rapport with your prospects.

Increased self-awareness: NLP sales training will help you understand your own thought patterns and behavior, and how they may be holding you back in sales. You’ll learn how to identify limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones, and how to overcome objections and close more deals.

Better understanding of your prospects: NLP sales training will help you understand your prospects’ needs, wants, and motivations. You’ll learn how to ask effective questions, listen actively, and build rapport.

Getting Started with NLP Sales Training

5 Basics To Understanding NLP start around the words “I,” “he,” “she,” “they,” and “you.

Seek out an experienced NLP practitioner: Look for an NLP practitioner who has experience in sales and can help you apply NLP techniques to your sales process.

Read up on NLP: There are many great books and online resources available that can help you learn more about NLP and how to use it in sales.

Practice, practice, practice: The key to success with NLP sales training is to put what you learn into practice. Make an effort to use the techniques you learn in your daily sales interactions, and track your progress over time.

Shifting Referential Indexes

  • I
  • He
  • She
  • They
  • You

There are more but these are 5 primary examples.

Start your sales conversation by making it about them, not you.

Another area of the sales conversation when you may begin to utilize shifting referential indexes maybe

Shift from an “I” statement to a “You” Statement

High Ticket Conversation Selling is now easier than ever with FlowChat Sales Training tips! Watch more

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